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Detox Protocols


 FALL DETOX SPECIAL 120min  $144*

*Offer good through November 30th, 2024

Clear your immune system before the upcoming cold and flu season!

First, soak in an ionic footbath that draws the toxins while you sit back and relax.  Then receive a full body Vodder Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) session from Massage Therapist Gina Moore, Certified Lymphedema Therapist.
To read more about the Vodder MLD, click here


PACKAGE OF 8  $145

 "Find a way to create fever and sweat, and I will cure the disease" ~ Hippocrates 

Come sit in our sauna to sweat out tension and toxins.

Bring your towel and some water and sit for 15 min, clothes off and relax. Its very simple and easy!
This kind of heat is very tolerable and your head is out of the sauna so it stays temperate. Almost everyone can tolerate it!  (if it becomes too much, you can control opening the sauna to let in some cool air or you can simply get out.

With over 95% Pure Far Infrared, the best detox which also resonates with cells most, comes from sweat! This therapy is a great way to take a breather, become quiet from within and promote internal healing. A weekly practice is also helpful in flushing the body if you are feeling unwell, have recently traveled or simply want to feel your best. 


Quality Advantage​, Uses & Benefits

The Relax Sauna’s advantage is its powerful radiators that exclusively emit far infrared radiation (FIR). The main component in the radiator is a ceramic semiconductor that excludes near and middle infrared energy and actively radiates far-infrared light with a wavelength between 4 and 14 microns. It has been demonstrated in clinical tests that FIR energy rays are highly therapeutic. Human cells absorb far infrared in a range of 8 to 13 microns. Peak absorption occurs at 10 to 11 microns. FIR energy resonates with living biomass, optimizes cellular activity, and restores normal body processes that release toxins and support normal health. USES AND BENEFITS:  •  Detoxifies heavy metals and chemicals from the body  •  Increases weight loss & fat burning over exercise alone  •  Speeds up recovery in wound healing & aids with pain or arthritis  •  Improve circulation & heart health by increasing vasodilation  •  Anti-aging with more a youthful skin body glow by improving collagen production  •  Invigorates by increasing mitochondrial energy production providing a boost in energy  •  We offer the highest levels of absorbable far infrared of any infrared sauna  •  Very safe: will not even burn tissue paper if held directly to the radiators  •  FAST: heats up in 30 seconds  •  Very LOW EMF near the body. Unlike most saunas which have panels that emit EMF all around the body, ours has its radiators near your feet with extremely low levels of EMF. An infrared sauna is also the ideal antidote for EMF! Other saunas emit EMF inside the sauna… our sauna emits NO EMF inside with only a small amount outside the sauna. Using an exclusive patented ceramic chip, it is "tuned" to emit the exact frequency of far infrared in the 4.4 to 14.4 micron range. It is the perfect range of infrared for the body to absorb creating the highest and the cleanest levels of infrared compared to any other sauna. Increase Your Core Temperature with state-of-the-art technology, our sauna gets very close to the maximum temperature of 120°–140° degrees very quickly, resulting in:  •  Mobilizing the Lymphatic & Immune System  •  Increasing circulation and microcirculation  •  Oxygenating cells, giving greater absorption  •  Activating the Parasympathetic Nervous System


Ionic Detox Foot Bath - 30 Min $65

Ionic Detox Foot Bath For Two w/Dr. Gill - 45 Min $120

Ionic Footbath w/Itovi Scan & Custom Essential Oil Blend W/Stacy 30-45 Min | $85

 What is an Ionic Foot Detox, you ask? 

The control box of the Ionic Foot Detox unit delivers an electrical current through the ionizer array that is placed into the water alongside the feet. The low-level direct current to the array causes the metals within the array in combination with water and salt to generate positively and negatively charged ions by separating the oxygen and hydrogen components of water.   This separating of oxygen and hydrogen components is a form of “dialysis."​ All that is in the water is a sprinkle of pink Himalayan salt. That's it! How does it feel? Well, its tingly sometimes, sometimes slightly prickly, sometimes it feels like nothing and afterwards it feels really good. Light, clean and fresh.

CONTRAINDICATIONS Who should NOT use the machine? People with a Pacemaker or any other battery-operated or electrical implant. Women who are pregnant or nursing. People with transplanted organs. (Gallbladder or hysterectomies ok) Anyone who is on heart beat regulating medications or blood thinners. People with Type 1 Diabetes. People who suffer from epilepsy or hemophilia. People undergoing chemotherapy or radiation. People who have low blood sugar, should eat before using the footbath. Children under the age of 16 years old. The negatively charged ions are absorbed through our skin. They travel through the body and attach themselves to toxic substances with the opposite charge. Since most toxins in our body are positive in charge, (i.e. heavy metals ions), they will be conveniently neutralized so they can more easily be eliminated via our body’s natural eliminative channels. Most importantly, they have been neutralized and can no longer wreck havoc with our hormones, our nervous systems, our organs, and our tissues. The change of color in the water happens with the feet inside the bath or even without the feet in the bath and it is mainly due to the Electrolysis that happens when electrical current flows. It is a result of a chemical reaction between the array (metal) , the salt (water) and the quality of the water. However there is in most cases a noticeable difference when the procedure is done with feet in the saltwater bath which suggests that some matter is released from the body into the water which is only the beginning of the detox-process. The majority of the detoxification is not during the foot bath but within the next 48hrs and it happens following the natural detoxification procedure within the human body involving liver, kidney, skin etc. The toxins are removed and flushed out the digestive track; some have loose or odorous stool the days following the session. You can do a ion foot detox fairly often, but will need time in between sessions for body clearing, until your body is feeling clean and stable. If you are feeling well we recommend maintenance sessions of 1 time per month or at the change of seasons. Everyone is unique and each person will have to adjust to his or her own bodies needs.

POTENTIAL HEALTH BENEFITS The body can also eliminate parasites, pinworms, and various colored mucous; even drawing massive amounts of nicotine from the tissue and joints of people that quit smoking several years ago. As your body is detoxified, cleansed, balanced and able to function at its fullest capacity once again, you will experience a sense of relief throughout the body, increased energy, and improved mental clarity. ​ Negative Ion Foot Detox symptoms or conditions which may improve from an ionic foot bath: Joint Pain, Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue, Foggy Brain, Poor Concentration, Sleeplessness, Allergies, Hormonal Imbalance, Low Sex Drive, Weak Immune System, Cellular Acidosis (pH is too high), Poor Circulation, Heavy Metal Toxicity, Eczema, Psoriasis, Parasites, Candida, Obesity

NEGATIVE ION RESEARCH Numerous studies have established the effect of Negative Charged Ion environment on the human body. The negative charged environment has stimulated the body's own healing mechanism in the case of stress and specific physical problems. Increase blood flow with resultant increased oxygen-carrying capacity, both of which are basic to help the body healing itself; -Changes in migration of calcium ions which can either bring calcium ions to heal a broken bone in half the usual time, or can help move calcium away from painful, arthritic joints; -The pH balance (acid/alkaline) of various body fluids. (Often out of balance in conjunction with illness or abnormal conditions) -Hormone production from the endocrine glands can be either increased or decreased by Negative Ion stimulation; -Altering of enzyme activity and other bio-chemical processes. NATURE CREATES IONS In nature, ions are generated in abundance wherever energy is transferred into the air. For example by ultra-violet light from the sun, by lightning and thunderstorms, by friction within wind and rain, the splitting of water into droplets by waterfalls and surf - and by natural radiation in rocks and soil. ​ An ionic foot detox machine is a modern energy therapy device which balances the body's natural energy system. By introducing a high level of negative ions into the water of a foot bath, the feet, utilizing principles of reflexology and the science of ionization and osmosis, create a positive cellular environment and enable the body's natural detoxification processes to function at their peak. An ionic foot detox is a safe and effective natural healing therapy.​​


Please don't wear metal items (such as a watch).

Please don't use a computer or cell phone while soaking.

You may want a doctors permission if you are on medications or are diabetic.


ITOVI IS LIKE A MINI-BIOFEEDBACK MACHINE! It uses galvanic skin response (GSR) and electrical frequencies to measure your body's reactions to wellness products. It's designed to help you: Find the best wellness products, Track your wellness, Optimize your wellness plan It will run a program which creates a report to find imbalances and find the solution for homeostasis. It will suggest a combination of oils to offer support to your body being for balance. dōTERRA essential oils and personal care products are available through Stacy and are used for a wide range of emotional and physical wellness applications. Both single oils, oil blends, and a variety of related products are used topically, internally, and aromatically to promote healing and balance. The iTOVi personal products scanner uses proven scientific technology and a patented algorithm to evaluate clients' specific needs and recommend the essential oil products that will best address them.



Detox Consultation (Phone) 30 Min  $50

30 min - 21 Day Detox Program Phone Consultation
*This is for a PHONE consultation.*
Cost will go towards the 21 day cleanse or an Acupuncture service. All money will be applied for your appointments. We will discuss detox programs tailored for your specific needs. Please consider giving yourself the gift of health


We will review your tailored 21 Day Detox Program. We will walk through protocols, literature, helpful tips, supplements and answer any questions.

TCM and Ayurveda 21 Day Detox Program $405
In person pick up and program review 45 min

This program is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurvedic Hybrid Cleansing experience. Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda both at their core share the understanding that we are multidimensional beings. Ayurveda and TCM We are physical, emotional, and spiritual beings and each of these aspects of self, needs cleansing. TCM and Ayurveda also focus on preserving health by using simple tools to keep the body fit to avoid illness. Cleansing the body is known in Ayurveda Medicine as Panchakarma. In TCM and Ayurveda balance is obtained though balancing the 5-elements in the body and understanding your constitution. This 21-day cleanse uses TCM and Ayurveda element, dosa, yin and yang theory, Acupuncture, Herbal therapy, Nutrition, and various Cleansing tools. Program support: Two (2) Private or group Qi Gong sessions. Two (2) Private Infrared Sauna sessions. Support text messaging with Dr Gill. Optional Acupuncture, 9D breathwork or Ion foot bath add-on sessions at discounted rates. Each Kit Contains: -Weekly/Daily program guide -Protocol Kits and Instructions -Enema Kit -Castor oil Kit -Herbal Foot and Hand Soak Kit -Kitchari Kit -Ayurvedic Aid Kit -Parasite cleanse supplement -GI cleanse supplements -Heavy metal cleanse supplements -and more!

Standard Process 21 Day Detox Program $405
In person pick up and program review 45 min

The 21-day Standard Process Purification Program (SPPP) isn’t just a cleanse diet. It’s a structured program that brings healthy lifestyle habits into focus. It’s designed to purify, nourish, and help patients maintain a healthy body weight. It’s also easy to follow by eating whole foods, exercising, drinking nutritious shakes, and taking supplements made with whole food and other ingredients. The menu includes a varied abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits for the first 10 days, with select proteins added on day 11. The supplements support the body’s ability to remove naturally occurring toxins. This promotes a state that allows for toxin release. The SPPP helps your body purify and rebuild itself from the inside out. This program gives you a structured plan for purifying, nourishing, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Along with Standard Process supplements, you’ll support your major organ systems with the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients found in whole foods. When you’ve completed the 21-day purification program, you’ll be amazed at how good you feel. You’ll learn how to transition to a new, healthful way of eating that will continue your journey toward a clearer, brighter, lighter way of life now and in the years ahead. Program support: Two (2) Private or group Qi Gong sessions. Two (2) Private Infrared Sauna sessions. Support text messaging with Dr Gill. Optional Acupuncture, 9D breathwork or Ion foot bath add-on sessions at discounted rates. Each kit contains: -Program Guide -One bottle of SP Cleanse® capsules -One bottle of SP Green Food® capsules for phytonutrients* -Two containers of SP Complete®, SP Complete® Dairy Free powder for nutritious supplement shakes -Two bottles of Gastro-Fiber® capsules or Whole Food Fiber powder -One bottle Black currant seed oil -One bottle Turmeric Forte -One bottle Cyruta Plus All purification program kits are gluten-free and vegetarian

Your Private Reset appointment! Rejuvenate your Mind, Body and Spirit with Dr. Gill

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Detox Lounge Private Session 90 Min  $135
Detox Lounge Group Session 60 Min  

🌊 Ion Foot Bath
🔥 Infrared Sauna
🌀 Vibration Plate Therapy
🩺Expert-led detox session for your well-being
🌹 Serene and nurturing retreat.
🥰 Enjoy a detox tea and light snack.
💖Self-care made easy

🌟3 day supply of activated charcoal or other binder to mitigate detox symptoms

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