Massage Therapy

Foot Reflexology
Prenatal Massage
Raindrop Therapy
Therapeutic Massage
(light to deep tissue)

Fascia Blasting
Touch for Trauma
Chair Massage
Cranial Relaxation
We offer a therapeutic, holistic massage that's tailored to you. Every session is uniquely different as it's based on your needs in that moment, and the special traits, expertise and gifts from each of our therapist. They use their keen sense of intuition as they listen to you, to customize your session, typically infused with several modalities.
Your therapist will initially sit with you and consult to hone into your needs. You do not need to know what the modalities are or pick which ones you want, please let us expertly apply what is needed for your situation. Your exact issues will be honored and held. We really want you to be satisfied and safe.
Modalities avail are Deep Tissue Work, Swedish- both light and firm, Trigger Point work, Reflexology, Hot Stone, Intricate Foot Work, Reiki and other Energy Works, Polarity Therapy and Pre and Post Natal Massage (including Baby), Sound Healing using bowls (both metal and crystal)-tuning forks-drums-gong-chimes-rainstick and more...
Therapeutic Massage
60 Minute $120
90 Minute $160
120 (2hr) Massage $200
All sessions are integrated to suit your needs,
our therapists are sure to give you what you need
Hemp Foot Reflexology Massage with Reiki 60 Min | $122
Detailed hand & foot massage using highly concentrated THC-FREE, non-GMO hemp oil & deep tissue oil.
A detailed foot/leg centered treatment and can include scalp and arms/hands. Targeting pressure points and zones, the body receives inertia for release. Deeply relaxing and opening. These are high quality, lab tested THC free oils infused with dried calendula and chamomile for a colorless, odorless product! Increasingly, the hemp plant is being studied and found to have positive benefits for pain relief. This includes such conditions as arthritis pain, chronic inflammatory pain, muscle soreness, dry skin, irritated skin, eczema and other skin conditions.
Your session will begin with a reflexology foot massage and flow into reiki using tools such as crystals, vibrational tuning forks, and aromatherapy to enhance the trance. This is deep or gentle foot work using pressure points and polarity therapy. You will be supported to find stillness and quiet, so you can truly give yourself permission to find a time to let go and give back to yourself.
Pre & Post Natal (Pregnancy) Massage
60 Min $120 | 90 Min $160
A beautiful experience for mama and baby.
A time just for you while your baby(s) are growing in your womb.
Side lying for ultimate comfort and safety, with a memory foam body pillow. The ultimate pamper for aching body, soothe the nerves and muscles! Im an expert support for expectant mamas and their needs during pregnancy. Leave it to me to find what you need to really let go. Lets explore the spaces within and without that need loving touch. Baby will be loved through the belly also, very powerful connection. Post natal is available and encouraged! Bring your newborn in for a wonderful baby and mama massage. Baby can feed while I massage them and when baby falls asleep, it's mamas turn for back massage! Finally!
Raindrop Massage 60 Min | $130
Using Essential Oils dropped along meridian points (of the spine and shins), the body is brought into alignment and the inertia for clearing begins. The specific oils used are anti-viral, anti-tumoral, anti-inflammatory, and much more.
The techniques used include massage and reflexology and Polarity therapy and are relaxing yet stimulating and warming to drive the oils in deeply to the cells...clearing a path to wellness through detoxification. Warm towels and hot packs are applied to the spine to drive the oils in. Virus', bacteria and such are flushed out of their hibernation and released. This work is very balancing and nourishing as the body can then find its way to homeostasis. You are in good hands to be lulled into a deep relaxation with this therapy. Some sound healing will often be used to help you clear stagnancies and support alignment through resonance.
Fascia Blasting 60 Min | $100
Fascia blasting is an innovative approach to healing pain, treating cellulite and improving adhesions. It involves the use of a FasciaBlaster (a white plastic wand with claw-like attachments that are rubbed on the skin over the target area for 3- 5 minutes).
​This session is FaciaBlaster use and you will be blasted only. Applied with the flushing and activating techniques and hot/cold application, this is for specific spot work
(if you want a few areas blasted during massage, book a regular
60 or 90 minute Therapeutic Massage appointment and request the use of a fascia blaster).
Expect to experience some release symptoms, like fatigue, loose stool, rash, headache, etc.
these symptoms don't happen to everyone and know they are a healing in action, detoxification!
Using a special hand tool, we can reduce fascial adhesions responsible for many distortions of pain such as hip flexors, tight hamstrings and calves, low back spasms, rotator cuff issues and migraines. Using techniques discovered by Ashley Black, you can discover the amazing benefits of this work- it also reduces cellulite and dissolves fat!​ ​Fascia is a continuous layer of connective tissue that covers all your muscles, bones, organs, and nerves. It’s mostly made of collagen, and it helps to give form to your body. The continuous nature of fascia helps your body parts move. Fascia attaches, encloses, and separates muscles and other internal organs, allowing these structures to slide and move through the body. When fascia is healthy, it’s flexible enough to twist, glide and bend. But inflammation and trauma can tighten the fascia, causing pain. Additionally, fascia contains many nerves that are sensitive to pain.
Fascia pain is associated with various conditions, such as: myofascial pain syndrome, fibromyalgia, plantar fasciitis, lower back pain. It’s also believed that fascia plays a role in cellulite, the orange peel–like, dimpled skin texture that most often appears on the thighs, hips, and buttocks. Cellulite happens when parts of the skin are pulled down by fibrous connective bands, which attach the skin to muscle. The skin becomes dimpled as fat cells collect between the bands.
This appointment can be used for relief and self treatment education.
blood thinner use, Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and/or a history of blood clotting
and if you have any abdominal mesh, Please tell your therapist!
Cranial Relaxation Massage with Corrina
45 min | $80
A powerful healing modality using the 12 pressure points in the head and face; helping regulate the brain, balancing the nervous system, aiding in the decrease of stress, anxiety, and headaches.
It aids in clearer thinking, having more energy, processing past traumas and promoting balance and relaxation.
The treatment includes: light intuitive head/shoulder massage, and aromatherapy (optional).
Chair Massage
20 minute| $40
Chair Massage can address spot issues like shoulders, neck and back. An opportunity to get some quick work in between your longer sessions, let Gina ease your discomfort with some touch and relief. Reach out for an appointment today!
Touch for Trauma survivors with Gina
60 Min | $120
Touch for Trauma survivors sessions can help a person re-learn how to be in their body as a safe, calm, and peaceful place. Session content depends on the client's state of readiness to receive safe touch. Initial sessions may not contain any direct touch, but gently encourage a reconnection of mind and body through dialogue and guided imagery. As sessions progress, subtle touch techniques will be used to re-regulate the autonomic nervous system and adjust to a client’s individual needs for safety, control, and healing.
These sessions can be helpful for anyone with chronic anxiety, trauma, or even just daily stress, as these mental challenges can all drive a disconnection between the mind and body.
Our Massage Therapists

Massage With Michelle
A holistic approach that offers support for the body/mind/spirit. We make a connection that will bring into focus your specific needs. I make quick work of finding trouble spots ad blockages- both physically and otherwise. I am well versed in Non-Violent Communication and offer emotional release experiences in a very organic way. My approach is unique and varies with each person, I am very grounded and practical as well as spiritually versed and conscious. I will provide a comfortable environment and experience for you, even when you are not comfortable. We will work as a team for your health and well being.
I work with Swedish and Deep Tissue, Spot Cupping, Pressure Point Therapy, Fascia Release, Polarity Therapy, Reflexology, Subtle Touch and Percussion. I use Hot Stones, Essential Oils, several forms of energy work including Reiki, Light Language, Sound Healing with metal and crystal bowls, drum, tuning forks, gong, chimes, voice, Myofascial, Fasciablaster release work, Rebirthing, Prayer, Breathwork, Lymphatic Drainage and Reflexology.

Massage With Gina
Gina's mission is "To convey the utmost respect and caring through Massage and Craniosacral Therapy, facilitating each person's own ability to heal and recover."
Ms. Moore studied the base modalities of Swedish massage, Deep Tissue and Reflexology, but went on to specialize in a program there for vulnerable populations. She has significant time and experience working with Elders, Oncology, Hospice, Trauma, and Craniosacral Therapies(CST). Her CST training at the Upledger Institute included Somato-Emotional Release, and she attained enough training and experience to qualify as an Associate Instructor.
Intention is the most significant factor that differentiates massage therapy sessions --- from just "Ok" to "That was amazing!". When we sense genuine caring, compassion and understanding through touch, the healing power of our body engages fully. We feel safe and seen and our body releases chemicals that make us feel good physically and emotionally. Gina's goal is to communicate this genuine caring through intention with every single therapy session.
Gina also wants the public to know that contrary to popular belief, "Deep tissue Massage" does not mean "painful" massage. Done properly, Deep Tissue Massage, prompts a feeling of pressure in the area being treated, not pain, and slowly unwinds tight areas in the body. Many of her clients have actually fallen asleep during Deep Tissue therapy sessions. Before training as a massage therapist, she also improperly believed that if there was "no pain", then there was "no gain" from massage as a client, herself. But the opposite is true: pain stimulates the sympathetic nervous response (releases cortisol), while therapeutic massage should stimulate the parasympathetic system (releasing serotonin, endorphins and dopamine).
60 or 90 Min Massage
Touch for Trauma Survivors
Onsite Hospice Massage